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Vijayawada, India

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Education in Freemasonry

Masonic Education Programme

Freemasonry in all ages has invited its members to explore and study the Principle and Tenets of the Craft, and instructs its members to implore the hidden mysteries of nature and science. Through this course you will learn the Freemason symbols which have come down to us through the generations not just from books, the Old Charges (old manuscripts, Old Charters), engravings and ritual and degree work; but through the mentoring of each of its members, fellow Brother Masons coaching and helping each other in their quest for knowledge.

Masonic Education is frequently seen as of utmost importance not only for Retention of membership but also to encourage active participation enabling Brethren to share and enjoy our heritage and practices. It is bound to result in greater cohesion amongst the curious and the informed Brethren, thus strengthening the bonds of Brotherhood.

There is no denying that a lot of information on most Masonic topics is already available in several volumes of Masonic literature in our libraries, as also on internet. However, a simple minded young Mason, having paucity of time, even if he is interested in enhancing his knowledge about Freemasonry, needs to be provided with the basic information in a structured and concise manner.

In view of the above the Grand Lodge of India started the Masonic Education Programme consisting of Certificate Course in first year and Diploma Course in the second year. The idea is to provide to the enrolled brethren with proper knowledge of Craft Masonry in the first year and of other Orders under Indian Constitutions in the second year.

The course is divided into 9 (Nine) Assignments for the first year Certificate Course. These Assignments are further divided to cover following topics:

  • Lodge Management
  • Grand Lodge of India
  • Glossary of Masonic Words & FAQs
  • Philosophy, Principles & Ethics of Freemasonry
  • Origin & History of Freemasonry
  • Symbolism

The second year Diploma Course will also contain 8 (Eight) Assignments sub-divided into R.A.Chapter, Mark Masonry and Royal Ark Masonry and more modules with in depth knowledge in Craft Masonry.

After undergoing this education course the participant, armed with proper knowledge of the Order viz., Freemasonry’s aims, its underlying Ethics & Aspirations and would then, hopefully, Reach out to others with confidence; especially when he is asked about Masonry, which has hitherto been often dubbed as a secret society.

The ensuing Masonic Education Program is a sincere effort to Raise the bar of performance at every level, in keeping with the sentiments as expressed by the Most Worshipful the Grand Masters from time to time.

On completion of the first year course, the brethren will receive a Certificate at Region’s meet and on completion of Diploma Course, a Breast Jewel (as Masonic Scholar) and Diploma at Grand Festivals.

The Application form can be downloaded and duly filled sent to GLI office at New Delhi alongwith a cheque of Rs.1,000 (favouring GLI).

Since it is a correspondence Course, for convenience of brethren answer to Assignments can also be sent to the assigned Tutor by e-mail, who in turn will send his comments also by e-mail.

For More Details Contact:
Masonic Education Programme,
The Grand Lodge of India,
Freemasons’ Hall, P.O.Box 681,
Janpath, New Delhi-110 001 India
Email: glindiamasoniced@gmail.com

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