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Lodge Burroughs Strange No. 87
Vijayawada, India

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Who can be a Freemason?

Who can be a Freemason?

Who is eligible to become a Freemason?
  1. He is a Free man. And he is minimum of 21 years old.
  2. He has the belief in a Supreme Being. No particular religion or faith is required or excluded. Anyone who is of good moral character and believes in the existence of Almighty God and a belief in the Supreme Being, no matter by what name He is called, or what faith the person professes, is eligible. [Note: No atheist can become a Freemason.]
  3. He should be one who does, or wants to learn to, enjoy the company of other men from different social classes, faiths, backgrounds, races, countries, etc. Masonry is universal in its ideals.
  4. Masonry considers that the family obligations come first. if he is a family man, so he must be sure that :
    1. He has the time to participate. Usually two or three evenings initially per month for meetings/ instruction, and then at least one evening per month for regular meetings.
    2. He can afford the initiation fees and the annual dues without hardship to himself or his family.
    3. He should be joining of his own free will and accord, to learn to improve himself and to enjoy the company of other good people, not because someone keeps pestering him to join or because he thinks it will help him “get ahead” in business.

What does Freemasonry expect from one who joins it?
  • He must understand and appreciate its high ideals and objectives and put to actual practice its motto of “Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth”.
  • Patriotism & Loyalty to one’s own country and the Fraternity at all times is a bounden duty.
  • It expects that a Freemason should do unto others, as he would wish others would do unto him.
  • Charity is the predominant characteristic of a Freemason’s heart. He is always expected to “give” to Freemasonry rather than expect to “receive” anything from it for personal benefit.
  • That he will practice outside the Lodge those duties & virtues that he is taught inside the Lodge.

If you are considering to become a Freemason, Please contact us.

Source: Who can be a Freemason?

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